As a certified NSCA strength and conditioning specialist, NASM personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist, Precision Nutrition L1 Coach, and CrossFit L1 Trainer, I provide customized workout programming to each of my clients to help them surpass their fitness objectives. My training incorporates personalized nutrition coaching, relying on the scientific Precision Nutrition method, a reputable nutrition company. I have a proven history of assisting clients in quickly reaching their goals, and I balance a warm approach with methodical attention to detail. My certifications include NSCA CSCS, NASM CPT & CES, CFL1, PN1, and TRX.
Lose weight, Get toned, Build muscle, Gain flexibility, Boost endurance
Not training for a specific event, Athletic event or competition, Vacation, Wedding
Back problems, Joint pain, Asthma, Pregnancy,
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