Yoga for Everyone

Service provided by Yoga for Everyone
4.8 (2)
from Brooklyn, NYmember since September, 2022
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I provide personalized yoga sessions, catering to individuals or small groups, with the option for virtual classes. Let's schedule a consultation call to discuss your personal yoga goals and create a customized lesson plan that accommodates your schedule. I serve most areas in NYC and Brooklyn and offer online sessions as well.

Meet Emily - Emily is a certified RYT-200 yoga instructor from Yoga Garden San Francisco, who began practicing Hatha Yoga during her actor conservatory training. Her exploration and interest in the different aspects of Yoga, including art, meditation, and movement, have continued since then. Her teaching style is influenced by her background in physical theatre, her ongoing study of various movement practices worldwide, and her deep spiritual life. Emily's classes prioritize bodily awareness and somatics, providing a nurturing and explorative experience for students of every level. Thank you for visiting and honoring this ancient practice and its teachers. Follow me on Instagram: @yogaquail

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Service Reviews


2 reviews

Service as described
Amber M.
Emily's yoga classes are so splendid! Every time I attend her class, I gain new knowledge, have a great time, and leave with a sensation of calm and spaciousness in my body. Emily is an exceptionally talented yoga instructor, and I eagerly await her class every week!
November 15, 2022
Andrew M.
With no doubt, Emily is a precious stone! Over the past few years, I have been practicing with her, both online and in-person, and every time I do so, I feel empowered, more stable, and in harmony. Her chosen sequence is ideal for yoga neophytes, and her instructions accommodate individuals of all skills. If you seek to solidify your fundamentals or engage in a deliberately gentle workout, I exceedingly suggest attending her classes.
November 15, 2022