W183 Fit

Service provided by W183 Fit
4.7 (13)
from San Diego, CAmember since February, 2022
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Greetings! My name is Jeremiah and I am a NASM certified personal trainer and sports nutrition coach, residing in the San Francisco/Bay Area. I specialize in sustainable training and lifestyle modifications to ensure long-lasting quality results. I recognize that committing to a regular gym routine can be intimidating and difficult due to work and personal obligations. Therefore, I offer in-home training with minimal equipment to promote optimal growth. As a U.S. Veteran, I understand the importance of maximizing the time we spend training together, and I am enthusiastic about curating customized workout plans to meet your fitness goals. I am dedicated to ensuring not only the best physical results but also prioritizing your mental well-being throughout this journey. Let me know how I can help you reach your goals!

My services:
1. One-on-One Training
2. Couples Training
3. Small Group Exercises (3-4 people)
4. Personalized training plans for independent workout days
5. Corrective/Rehabilitative strength building

Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Sports Nutrition Coach, National Association for Sports Medicine

1. Strength Building
2. Endurance Training
3. Rehabilitative/Corrective Exercises
4. Injury Prevention
5. General and Sports-Specific Nutrition Coaching

Fitness goals:

Lose weight, Get toned, Build muscle, Gain flexibility, Boost endurance

Event to prep for:

Not training for a specific event, Athletic event or competition, Vacation, Wedding

Medical concerns:

Back problems, Joint pain, Asthma, Pregnancy,

Service location:


Service Reviews


13 reviews

Service as described
John J.
Completely professional, approachable and flexible with regards to my schedule.
March 16, 2023
Melissa C.
Over the past decade, I have been striving consistently to enhance my health. I made various attempts to adhere to different programs but failed to commit and gave up eventually. It all changed when I crossed paths with Jeremiah, who guided me towards achieving my objectives in an organized manner. Jeremiah's approach is on point as he prioritizes the crucial aspects of training rather than solely emphasizing the amount of weights lifted. He assisted me in attaining the appropriate posture and comprehending the fundamentals of proper exercise. Throughout the six months, I worked with him, Jeremiah made sure to check on me consistently and track my progress daily. He was always eager to offer additional support whenever needed. Initially, we met twice a week and eventually cut back to once a week once I had a clear understanding of the regimen. Jeremiah is the exemplary trainer for anyone seeking a considerate, empathetic, and skilled mentor in their wellness journey, whether you are a beginner or an experienced individual. I can confidently say that I highly recommend his services to anyone.
October 21, 2022
Danielle C.
Jeremiah is an exceptionally committed coach who demands nothing but the utmost personal excellence from all his clients. He possesses impressive motivational skills and has a comprehensive understanding of physical abilities.
October 16, 2022
Ryan S.
When I first started lifting weights, I unfortunately had bad form and would use irregular weights. Fortunately, Jeremiah kindly came to my aid and helped me fix my form while explaining how to perform each exercise correctly with ideal form and proper breaks. He displayed great patience throughout the process as he detailed each exercise thoroughly, providing explanations on the reasons and methods behind the movements. In summary, he's both approachable and an excellent trainer.
October 16, 2022
Jacob W.
I have a burning desire to improve my fitness and opted to enlist the help of a personal trainer to expedite the process. After trying out a few trainers, I ended up with Jeremiah. Despite his rigorous approach that pushed me far beyond my usual limits - or what I jokingly refer to as "torture" - everything was still safe and enjoyable. Although I still have a long way to go, Jeremiah aided me in making significant progress. Unfortunately, he has moved on to another gym, but I wish him well and recommend him to anyone seeking to improve their fitness.
October 16, 2022