Rescuing animals from difficult circumstances is my main priority. I specialize in helping rodents and other small creatures found in attics, homes, garages, and offices. Being a Houston native, my love for animals runs deep. However, I regret to inform you that we are unable to assist with domestic animals like dogs and cats.
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Service Reviews
7 reviews
Ryan P.
For inspection, Neil visited my apartment. He's punctual, knowledgeable, and professional. Neil carried out an exhaustive examination and suggested some upgrading measures. As a cost-conscious individual, he takes into account the financial constraints his clients might face. Since no proof has been found regarding the creature, he preferred that I obtain some evidence before hiring his services.
December 13, 2022
Nicole R.
I would strongly suggest! The demeanor and work ethic of Mr. Hansen ought to be adopted universally as the norm.
October 17, 2022
Kyle A.
Our trash was being torn up by raccoons and they were also invading our home. These individuals quickly took care of the problem and eliminated them effectively.
October 17, 2022
Robert L.
Nels impressed me greatly! Despite my having set traps and bait for several months, he took the initiative of explaining everything meticulously and addressing all of my inquiries. He mentioned transporting the animals approximately 15 miles away to prevent their return. I highly recommend him without reservation!
October 10, 2022
Ashley C.
I received a wealth of information from Nels, who was incredibly knowledgeable. I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the intelligence of raccoons. Moreover, my residence is now animal-free and boasts a 12-month warranty, prompting me to highly recommend Nels. He even provided photos to capture the process, which I very much appreciated due to the roof's inaccessibility. Had it not been for Nels, I would have been oblivious to the large hole and the quality of his repair work.
October 7, 2022