US Independent Services

from Denver, COmember since October, 2021
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We specialize in blown-in insulation services in the Austin area and its surroundings.

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Service Reviews


4 reviews

Service as described
Robert N.
After receiving Matthew's bid, he promptly began working just a few days later. Throughout the entire project, he maintained excellent communication via text, exhibiting a high degree of politeness and impeccably following through on all commitments. Though he accidentally broke a tile, he made up for it by arranging for its repair and proved to be an absolute pleasure to collaborate with. Thanks to Matthew's efforts, we were able to boost our attic insulation from R21 to R50, which has already resulted in a noticeable reduction in indoor temperatures, especially during periods of high Chinook winds. Additionally, Matthew generously provided thermal imaging documenting the before and after conditions of the space. I wholeheartedly recommend his services!
February 10, 2023
Rachel L.
Working with Matthew and Jacob was a great experience. They were punctual, arriving on time or even earlier, and they conducted themselves in a professional and courteous manner. Their diligent efforts ensured that our space remained clean and neat throughout the project. The pricing was highly competitive, and we couldn't be more pleased with the exceptional end result. Overall, we are impressed with their work and highly satisfied with the outcome.
November 28, 2022
Joseph K.
Throughout the project, Matthew proved to be a personable, professional individual who consistently arrived on schedule. His outstanding performance was truly remarkable.
October 18, 2022