Tim Robbins

Service provided by Tim Robbins
5.0 (4)
from Holly Springs, NCmember since September, 2021
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The most effective approach to narrating the tale of your enterprise is via video. Our team will visit your location to record footage and produce a video promotional material for your business online. Moreover, we'll guide you on techniques to maximize viewership of your video and reusing it on various platforms.

Behold our website to view our latest videos made for small enterprises just like yours!

Number of cameras:

Single camera, Multi-camera

Service location:


Service Reviews


4 reviews

Service as described
Christopher H.
He is an extraordinary man who prioritizes serving others over monetary gain. Clearly, a top professional.
February 7, 2023
Kyle T.
My project appears highly professional, with agility and value addition. It is easy to collaborate with. However, my next goal is to make it go viral.
January 9, 2023
Jessica T.
Working with Tim Robbins and the rest of the Byte Ship team brings me great joy! Since 2007, I've been in charge of managing online marketing campaigns for some popular, high-maintenance internet companies. This has transformed me into an extremely meticulous perfectionist. Thus, when I needed to hire a digital agency to assist in bringing my start-up idea to life, I meticulously scouted for the perfect fit. After thorough research, Byte Ship emerged as the ideal agency due to their exceptional quality, dedication to customer satisfaction, experience, passion, and commitment to my interests in launching my start-up to the world. Since 2011, I've been exclusively working with Byte Ship for all my creative needs, and I see no reason for considering another agency for anything whatsoever.
November 25, 2021