The Realty Guy

Service provided by The Realty Guy
4.7 (3)
from Aurora, COmember since September, 2021
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Real estate is my passion, and with a background in construction, it was a natural path for me to follow. Unlike others who switch to real estate from completely unrelated fields, housing has been an integral part of my life.

The tenets that I hold dear are communication, honesty, and independence. Clear and candid communication is crucial, whether conveying good or bad news. Furthermore, my emphasis on honesty means that I will never purposefully obscure or alter the facts. As my client, you will have access to all the information that you need when you need it. Additionally, I offer independence, recognizing your freedom to choose whichever real estate agent, home, or recommended person you prefer. You are in charge of your transaction.

I pride myself on treating my clients like family. Each person has their own unique history, and I find great satisfaction in providing them with guidance and support to help them achieve their dreams, whether they are buying or selling a home. This is what I truly love about what I do.

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Service Reviews


3 reviews

Service as described
Jennifer M.
I have never had a better buyer's agent. They possess essential construction knowledge. It is crucial not to leave your most significant lifetime purchase in a salesman's hands. Ensure your safety!
March 25, 2023
Nicole F.
Daniel Adema did an outstanding job selling our home, and we would like to show our appreciation. His precision and adeptness in crafting a marketing strategy, coupled with his extensive knowledge of the market, were impeccable. Furthermore, his negotiating abilities were unparalleled. Dan is a dedicated and responsive professional, willing to address any concerns or inquiries in a timely manner. We highly recommend him to anyone in need of a real estate agent. For your realty needs, choose Dan, The Realty Guy!
November 7, 2022
Justin B.
With his exceptional intelligence, Dan adeptly handles the intricacies of transactions while always keeping his clients' ultimate objectives in sight. He prioritizes the critical matters and is the ideal professional to represent me during the home buying or selling process. What's more, Dan's passion for his work and dedication to providing value to his clients make him a pleasure to work with. You won't regret choosing Dan as your partner in this journey. I wholeheartedly endorse him and am certain you won't find anyone more capable.
October 31, 2022
Anthony M.
Dan is an exceptional real estate agent who assisted me in purchasing my first home on March 2nd. He is a person of integrity and is highly knowledgeable in his field. Throughout the process, he was quick to provide answers to any questions and offer solutions to any issues that arose. Even when obstacles presented themselves, he remained reassuring and confident that I would ultimately find the perfect home, which I did. In fact, I was ecstatic to have acquired all the features I wanted, including a garage that I didn't think I could afford. I highly recommend him for all your real estate needs, whether you are a buyer or a seller. With Dan, you can be sure that you won't receive subpar treatment or worse, a bad deal.
October 19, 2022
Kayla M.
If you are seeking a good realtor, Dan is highly recommended as he is a top-notch expert who possesses a thorough comprehension of the Denver real estate market.
November 3, 2021