Seeing clients undergo transformation after just one or two sessions gives me immense satisfaction. Provided the client is receptive and open to emotional and spiritual cleansing, the healing of past traumas can be achieved.
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Service Reviews
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Jonathan H.
This event was amazing! Johnny, your work is outstanding. I gained a lot from it and have much to contemplate, which I truly appreciate. Your ability to engage with people and maintain the momentum is praiseworthy. THANK YOU!!
April 4, 2023
Nicholas D.
Having been fortunate enough to collaborate with Johnny Vraja, I am grateful for the plethora of valuable techniques he has imparted upon me. Johnny has equipped me with the aptitude to heal past traumas, manifest a future partner, master the 4 Body System and foster healthier relationships by utilizing Desires, Fears and Boundaries. His extensive knowledge on Tantra and spiritual practices coupled with his profound connection with the divine have equipped him to address any of your needs.
July 18, 2022