Our exceptional personnel distinguish Pointe from the rest. Our staff comprises top-notch professionals – from inspectors to technicians to customer service representatives – who receive the latest industry training and uphold a friendly, courteous, and professional demeanor at all times.
We cherish meeting new acquaintances and forging friendships with our fellow denizens in Eastern WA, Central OR, and Northern ID. Our region is blessed with gorgeous environs and the kindest individuals. We relish collaborating with our neighbors in this community. As a local business, this is our abode, and we take great pride in furnishing superb service while creating opportunities for our workforce and giving back to our society.
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Service Reviews
4 reviews
Service as described
Kyle C.
Arriving in advance, they provided a clear depiction of their task and executed it extensively.
November 7, 2022
Jacob A.
We are delighted to have a comprehensive pest control solution that covers mice, spiders, and wasp nests.
October 28, 2022
Matthew A.
Within a day, Pointe Pest Control efficiently eradicated our issue with flying insects! Their compassionate approach and exemplary level of expertise left us feeling content and grateful.
September 19, 2022
Joseph C.
In terms of his professionalism and attention to detail, Josh excelled.
May 18, 2022
Courtney J.
Pointe has provided us with exceptional service over the last few years, and I wholeheartedly recommend them!