In the plumbing trade, we deliver top-notch executions. Our services are characterized by skilled precision, amicable customer service, and an unbeatable value. We have specialized knowledge in multiple plumbing areas - drain cleanings, installations, boiler maintenance, hot water heaters, and beyond!
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Service Reviews
0 reviews
Brittany R.
Ensure you come equipped with the appropriate tools and anticipate exceeding expectations by providing additional services if necessary. Also, make sure to bring appropriate equipment. Avoid delivering subpar customer service.
January 17, 2023
Matthew C.
Alex repaired their broken spring.
September 24, 2022
Ryan F.
The service provided was exceptional in every aspect. I received prompt and cost-effective service on the same day. My motor was not functioning properly, and the cables needed replacement. The team at Discount Garage Doors efficiently resolved my issues. I would certainly suggest their service to my friends, family, and neighbors. Thank you for your assistance!
September 16, 2022
Kayla W.
As a first-time customer, I received a special discount and was pleasantly surprised by the promptness of their same-day service.
August 1, 2022