Pilgrim Colonial Appraisal Services

from East Longmeadow, MAmember since April, 2022
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Our market analysis is comprehensive and detailed, offering valuable insights into the local market of your property. Unlike many other appraisal services, we provide a thorough market report that is rich in data and information. At Pilgrim Colonial Appraisal Services, we take pride in the quality of our appraisal reports. We offer the most up-to-date and accurate data with visually appealing graphics.

At Pilgrim Colonial Appraisal Services, we love exploring the Western Massachusetts area. Whether it's surveying newly developed regions or assessing bank-owned properties, we offer a full range of valuation services. Our job is always engaging and challenging, thanks to the diverse portfolio of projects we handle.

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Service Reviews


2 reviews

Service as described
Samantha R.
It is strongly suggested that you consider this option.
November 22, 2022
Elizabeth W.
I was extremely impressed with the level of detail provided and was thoroughly satisfied after using their services for a private sale. Their work was comprehensive and meticulous and I highly recommend them.
May 29, 2022