For more than 15 years, I have been renovating houses and applying fresh coats of paint. My work is highly meticulous, and I demand perfection from myself. My approach is centered on efficiency and quality, allowing me to complete tasks promptly.
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Service Reviews
10 reviews
Nicole W.
My household's interior received a fresh coat of paint. Even the forgotten staircase was included in the meticulous job done by the painters, who showed great attention to detail. Punctual and tidy, they left each day after cleaning up. Without a doubt, I highly endorse these skilled experts.
November 3, 2022
John G.
I had a wonderful experience with Phillips Pro Painting! I highly recommend their services.
September 7, 2022
Amanda D.
Lance and his team completed an exceptional job painting a towering ceiling and expansive walls for us. We were impressed by their promptness in scheduling and efficiency in finishing the project in just a few days.
Additionally, Lance provided valuable input on our design plans, tactfully suggesting a second opinion before moving forward. His suggestion was spot on, and we are grateful for his insight, as it resulted in a successful outcome for the space.
Although one section of the wall had a patch with a mismatched texture, Lance's team did their best to make it blend in as seamlessly as possible.
February 14, 2022
Amanda A.
Our recently constructed residence was handled superbly by Lance and his team. Their meticulousness and precision were exactly what we desired, and for our upcoming endeavor, we would undoubtedly enlist their services once again.
January 1, 2022
Joshua J.
For any painting job, I highly recommend Lance and his team who work both efficiently and with great attention to detail.
November 26, 2021