Pet Odor Removal Service (Northen California)
Service provided by Pet Odor Removal Service (Northen California)
Our specialty is in removing pet odors. We guarantee that we can get rid of cat, dog, and other animal urine odors from various surfaces such as carpet, sub-floor, concrete, drywall, tile, and hardwood floors even when carpet cleaning is not an option. We serve different counties including Santa Clara, Napa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Alameda, Contra Costa, Eldorado, Marin, San Francisco, Sonoma, and Solano. Our services are not limited to removing odors; we also help clients identify hidden pet urine damage when buying a home, assist realtors in selling homes with severe pet odor damage, and help resolve any disputes between landlords and tenants or real estate buyers and sellers.
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Service Reviews
0 reviews
Matthew M.
The service provided was of excellent quality and showed a high level of professionalism.
August 26, 2022
Samantha W.
His speedy and neat work is commendable. He delivered on schedule as committed. I would avail his services again.
February 3, 2022