Mowing and More

Service provided by Mowing and More
4.9 (15)
from Meridian, IDmember since March, 2022
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For over 15 years, Mowing and More has provided lawn mowing and small-scale landscaping services, including basic lawn maintenance, fertilization, landscaping, and sprinkler repair. Our services are highly affordable, and we are delighted to serve anyone who requires them. We are extremely proud of our work, and it brings us great joy to leave our customers happy and content. Ensuring complete customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities and an important aspect of our business.

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Service Reviews


15 reviews

Service as described
Matthew M.
Scheduling was a breeze. The job was executed flawlessly. However, I may have underestimated the extent of the yard's edging needs, resulting in a low bid.
February 17, 2023
Daniel W.
There are no complaints at all about Kevin's excellent work mowing and trimming my lawn as it looks great!
December 19, 2022
Nicole M.
The work they did was excellent and the price was very reasonable. I am highly pleased and content with their performance.
October 31, 2022
Jacob L.
Kevin did an amazing job! I plan on employing his services in the future!
October 24, 2022
Jennifer R.
Kevin proved to be a diligent and courteous young man who was consistently punctual, always arriving on time as scheduled. Following his initial mowing pass, he conscientiously checked in with me to confirm that the cutting height met my expectations. Impressively, he executed his edging, mowing, and debris-blowing duties exceptionally well. In fact, I was thoroughly satisfied with his work and deemed it worthy of a gratuity, in addition to the already-reasonable service charge. Sincerely, Bill M from the Paramount subdivision.
August 28, 2022