I specialize in a variety of baked goods, including custom cakes and pastries.
Event type:
Wedding, Birthday or anniversary party, Dinner party, Corporate event, Bridal or baby shower, Graduation party, Outdoor event, Holiday party, School event, Fundraiser, Funeral
American - casual, American - formal, Italian, Barbecue, Mexican or Latin American, American - Southern, Asian, Mediterranean or Middle Eastern, French, vegan, Indian
Service location:
Customer location
Note: You have to be authorized in order to see serving area
Service Reviews
0 reviews
Rachel L.
The birthday cake was truly magnificent. The taste was exquisite, with delightful decorations that were simply stunning. I am definitely planning to order from you again, and I highly recommend your services to others. The cake brought joy to both children and adults alike, and the presentation and the flavor were beyond delicious!
November 20, 2022