Being a massage therapist for 15 years is no coincidence - it is because I am trustworthy. Recognizing that having a stranger in one's home can be unnerving, I make it a point to provide you with a detailed schedule of my arrival and the services I will render. As a further reassurance, I always leave a written note afterwards and can furnish you with references and contact information.
Massage type:
Swedish, Deep tissue, Thai, Sports, Medical, Reflexology, Hot stone, Pregnancy
Service location:
Customer location
Pro location
Note: You have to be authorized in order to see serving area
Service Reviews
3 reviews
Megan R.
I highly recommend him to anyone because of his professional demeanor. His extraordinary set of skills and impressive strength make him an exceptional massage therapist.
June 12, 2022
Brittany R.
Experienced massage therapist with exceptional skills.
February 11, 2022
Andrew S.
Highly skilled and experienced, he comes highly recommended.
January 16, 2022
Ryan H.
I had the pleasure of working with Mohd for the first time and it was a delightful experience. He skillfully tackled my areas of concern and facilitated my relaxation. I look forward to collaborating with him again soon.
October 7, 2021