Massage type:
Swedish, Deep tissue, Thai, Sports, Medical, Reflexology, Hot stone, Pregnancy
Service location:
Customer location
Pro location
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Service Reviews
35 reviews
Joseph J.
In an effort to address my lower back stiffness, I had arranged for a deep tissue massage session with Kevin. Upon completion of the massage, I felt significantly better and much more at ease. Kevin's level of professionalism and work ethic surpassed my expectations, and I was particularly impressed by his willingness to accommodate my dog who disrupted our session numerous times. Without a doubt, I would absolutely work with Kevin again.
May 25, 2022
Ryan C.
Kevin arrived promptly and immediately began to set up. As a Father's Day present, I gave my husband a massage, and Kevin truly exceeded all expectations. He provided my husband with a thorough deep tissue massage, which my husband genuinely appreciated and complimented him for his skill.
February 12, 2022
James C.
I had a great experience with Kevin! He used a soothing technique that relieved the tension in my back. The pressure was just right and I'm already excited for my next session!
November 24, 2021
Lauren F.
I strongly suggest (and have already suggested to my pals)! Kevin provided professional service, and I felt instant relief after the massage.
September 26, 2021
Rachel K.
Kevin was punctual and delivered an outstanding massage service that left me feeling indulged. His professionalism was exceptional, and I highly recommend booking him without any reservations.
September 11, 2021