Michael Franz at Coldwell Banker
Service provided by Michael Franz at Coldwell Banker
Ensuring my clients are well represented and get the most out of their home transaction is my top priority. I am dedicated to assisting you with the purchase or sale of your home and am willing to go above and beyond to accomplish this. Don't hesitate, call me now!
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Service Reviews
4 reviews
Anthony D.
Michael at FranzRe is truly remarkable. His honesty and trustworthiness are evident throughout the entire process as he assists you in finding the perfect fit.
August 10, 2022
Justin R.
Mike is truly extraordinary! He guided me in locating a residence that matched my budget, desired location, and space requirements. He displayed exceptional empathy towards my intricate needs and was readily available. Mike was instrumental in overseeing all the essential requirements associated with buying my ideal home.
May 2, 2022
Kyle W.
Michael, a local real estate agent, is highly skilled and approachable! Having someone from the community who is committed to helping you find your dream home or connecting you with the right buyer, makes a huge difference. Moreover, his exceptional sense of design and LEED AP designation add extra value. With a genuine interest in the Utah market, Michael will guide you throughout the entire buying or selling journey!
September 12, 2021