Madison Harrison

Service provided by Madison Harrison
5.0 (3)
from Bradenton, FLmember since January, 2022
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Greetings! I am Madison and I'd like to give you a brief introduction about myself. Please note that I only offer coaching services in Bradenton/Sarasota.

In terms of my coaching experience, I have been teaching tennis for over 5 years now. Recently, I have worked as a coach for a Division I college team for 2 years. In addition, I have also coached players of varying levels - from beginners to top juniors in the country - at tennis academies. I have even served as a private coach, accompanying players to both professional and junior tournaments. Lastly, I have worked in a country club where I taught different age groups and skill levels, ranging from toddlers to elite juniors.

As a former tennis player, I have competed for renowned universities such as the University of Kansas and Mississippi State. With my doubles partner, we have gained a position in the top 16 of the NCAA doubles rankings. In college, I have played at the No.1 spot in both singles and doubles. I have also participated in numerous professional tournaments during and after my college career. Furthermore, I have defeated current top 100 players in the circuit.

It is without a doubt that tennis is my one true passion in life, and it brings me so much joy to impart my knowledge and expertise to others. Thank you for your time!

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Service Reviews


3 reviews

Service as described
Nicholas M.
The coaching was outstanding. My daughter thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and even practiced the techniques taught in between the sessions. The coach was very understanding and accommodating to our schedule. I highly recommend them.
January 15, 2023
Amber R.
For two years, Madison coached me in tennis. At the time I began lessons with her, I had no prior experience with the sport. Initially, my goal was simply to play at the same level as my friends. However, after only two months of lessons, I had dramatically improved and my friends could no longer compete with me. I continued working with Madison, and as a result, I became a skilled player and was even recruited for multiple teams. In addition, I made it to the NorCal Sectionals two years in a row and will soon be serving as a coach for a successful high school team. Without a doubt, I would not have reached this point of success without Madison's guidance and support. Her practices were always well-organized and productive, and I always felt as though I was improving during each session. She had a talent for making tennis both enjoyable and easy to master, offering helpful feedback and tips to shape my technique. Madison even helped me to analyze match footage and develop strategies for success against upcoming opponents. Despite her busy schedule as a full-time student and coach for professional and elite high school players at Santa Clara University, Madison always made time for me. Unfortunately, she has since moved away and finding another coach to match her level of skill and dedication has proved difficult, as I have tried six different coaches without success.
August 23, 2022
Heather G.
For two years, Madison was my tennis coach. I had no experience with the sport before meeting her, but I initially only wanted a few lessons to play at my friends' level. However, after just two months of taking her lessons, I was outplaying them, and they didn't even want to play with me anymore. I continued to work with Madison, and she helped me become a skilled player, leading me to be recruited by multiple teams and reach the NorCal Sectionals two years in a row. This fall, I'll also be coaching a high school tennis team with a great track record of producing college-level players. I wouldn't have the confidence to take on this new role without Madison's coaching and support. Madison's practices were always well-structured, and I felt like I improved after each session. She made learning tennis fun and accessible for me, always pointing out my mistakes and providing helpful tips to improve my technique. She even watched films of my matches and upcoming opponents to help me strategize and work on areas of improvement. Despite being a full-time student and coaching at Santa Clara University, working with professional players and elite high school players, Madison made time for me. Since she's moved away, I've tried six other coaches, but none of them compare to her.
August 10, 2022