LPZ Granite & Remodeling
Service provided by LPZ Granite & Remodeling
We specialize in Granite, Quartz, and Marble and are dedicated to helping you construct your dream home at an affordable price without compromising on quality.
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Service Reviews
14 reviews
William H.
The customer service was excellent! They promptly completed the installation of my outdoor bar's simple countertop the following day!
April 14, 2023
Danielle M.
Our countertop is highly cherished by us! The job done on it was exceptional and we are exceedingly delighted with it!
March 25, 2023
Jennifer L.
The installation of sink, quartz countertops, and backsplash in the kitchen was done beautifully.
February 9, 2023
Joseph F.
The installation of granite countertops in the kitchen and bathrooms by Gilberto and his team was excellently executed.
June 22, 2022
David R.
Our counters were installed with fantastic expertise. The installers were highly responsive and accommodating, ensuring that we received the exact material we requested. Their quick and polite service surpassed our expectations. We highly recommend their services.
March 20, 2022