Greetings! My name is Raven and I work as a dog groomer in the Alameda region of Bay Area. I have a strong inclination towards establishing and commencing my enterprise to cater to the grooming needs of your beloved pets. Avail a discount of 10% on the initial grooming for new customers.
Either mobile grooming or grooming salon, Customers who prefer in-home grooming, Customers who prefer mobile grooming, Customer who prefer grooming salons (pickup and dropoff NOT needed), Customer who prefer grooming salons (pickup and dropoff needed)
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Service Reviews
1 reviews
John L.
Love 4 Paws successfully revived my dog. I highly recommend their services. He appeared like a charming little model after the grooming session. Initially, he resembled a neglected stray with matted fur, so I was amazed by the transformation.
January 31, 2022