Greetings and welcome! ⭐️ I provide virtual sessions and offer in-person tutoring exclusively in the New Haven, CT county. ⭐️ With over 22 years of experience as a certified Early Childhood Educator, I employ a combination of the Science of Reading (which encompasses phonetics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension) and Reading Recovery practices that are tailored to meet the specific needs of your child. Additionally, I possess an Advanced Children’s Mindfulness & Yoga certification.
My approach to literacy tutoring combines mindfulness practices with reading, as I believe that books and mindfulness are a perfect complement to one another. Through my program, your child will experience a renewed and positive sense of well-being, while we work together to address any reading challenges that they may face. The incorporation of mindfulness practices in my lessons will enable your child to gain enhanced focus, self-regulation, and overall reading and writing growth all while having an enjoyable and FUN experience.
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