With over two decades of practicing acupuncture, I have obtained my M.D. from medical school and also completed my graduation from an oriental medical college. My practice is a blend of Western and Chinese medicine. I take pleasure in assisting and witnessing the outcomes of my clients' wellness journeys. There is no better satisfaction than acknowledging that I have helped people overcome their health concerns.
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Service Reviews
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Brandon H.
Lisa is an amazing professional. I am certain that I would have required medical assistance to conceive if it weren't for her assistance. I cannot speak highly enough about her skills. We now have a lovely baby boy, and I am confident that when we decide to expand our family again, we will seek her out once more.
March 18, 2023
Lauren H.
With her passion for providing quality care to her clients, Lisa is truly exceptional in her work. I had a great experience at her practice and learned a lot about my health. The staff is amazing and the atmosphere is welcoming. I highly recommend their services. Under Lisa's treatment and guidance to a healthier lifestyle, I've noticed significant improvement in my health without feeling judged or pressured to make immediate changes. I really appreciate Lisa's communication style.
August 6, 2022
Jennifer R.
Lisa is truly remarkable. Her compassion and expertise in supporting me through my fertility journey as a doctor and ally exceeded all expectations. Thanks to her and the power of acupuncture, I was able to successfully conceive, making me a huge admirer of Lisa.
July 9, 2022