Joyful Strength

Service provided by Joyful Strength
5.0 (1)
from Honolulu, HImember since November, 2021
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Hello there! My name is Chelsie and I am a nutrition and fitness coach based in Hawai'i. Joyful Strength is my brainchild, which focuses on aiding female leaders in boosting their confidence and energy levels through three self-care practices. These include daily movement, sustainable eating, and mindset work, with the latter being the most crucial. While working out intensely and sticking to strict diets can help, if we don't have the right mentality, the same issues will persist. Our clients have seen sustainable, long-term outcomes, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally, thanks to our mindset work. If you're intrigued, I'm excited to connect with you and share more.

Fitness goals:

Lose weight, Get toned, Build muscle, Gain flexibility, Boost endurance

Event to prep for:

Not training for a specific event, Athletic event or competition, Vacation, Wedding

Medical concerns:

Back problems, Joint pain, Asthma, Pregnancy,

Service location:


Service Reviews


1 reviews

Service as described
Anthony D.
Chelsie is an exceptional coach and an inspiring motivator! Initially, I was not paying attention to my diet or engaging in any exercise when I joined her program. Chelsie catered to my needs and gradually increased the difficulty level of my workouts to a point where I felt at ease. I was grateful that she suggested exercises that could be done with the equipment I already had, and I was not expected to acquire extra equipment. With her, I felt responsible for my health, and she also aided me in achieving my dietary and psychological objectives. If you intend to improve your overall health and wellness, Chelsie is undoubtedly the coach to approach! You'll never regret your decision!
April 6, 2022