Jane Ross

Service provided by Jane Ross
5.0 (2)
from Overland Park, KSmember since July, 2022
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Hi there! With over 15 years of cleaning experience, I am eager to transition to full-time cleaning. I pride myself on using natural cleaning products that not only leave your home or business smelling great, but also keep it clean for an extended period of time. Alongside cleaning services, I can also offer meal preparation, laundry, grocery shopping, and other household tasks.

Property type:

Office, Restaurant, Retail, Medical facility, School or place of worship

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Customer location

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Service Reviews


2 reviews

Service as described
Courtney A.
Jane is simply amazing! She possesses an incredible eye for detail and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. Thanks to her hard work, my house is now spotless! I am so impressed with her skills that I have booked her services on several occasions.
November 18, 2022
Jessica R.
Jane's work was exceptional! I give her a perfect score of 10/10 for the quality of her services. I am definitely planning to schedule her services again in the future. I highly recommend her.
November 18, 2022