Integrity of Motion

Service provided by Integrity of Motion
5.0 (1)
from Los Angeles, CAmember since October, 2021
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I'm Eric Cook, a fitness coach who has merged an assortment of stretches and rotations specifically intended to enhance circulation, mobility, and the capacity to withstand the day-to-day strains. The maneuvers applied are derived from different forms of martial arts and yoga positions.

Fitness goals:

Lose weight, Get toned, Build muscle, Gain flexibility, Boost endurance

Event to prep for:

Not training for a specific event, Athletic event or competition, Vacation, Wedding

Medical concerns:

Back problems, Joint pain, Asthma, Pregnancy,

Service location:


Service Reviews


1 reviews

Service as described
Robert J.
After using this service, I found the instructor's presence to be very enjoyable. They infused energy into the sessions and instilled in me the belief that I could achieve my goal of gaining more flexibility, despite my advanced age. While being mindful of boundaries, the instructor also motivated me to strive for excellence. Therefore, I strongly endorse this service to everyone and plan on attending more sessions myself.
November 15, 2021