Indigo Fox Acupuncture & Wellness
Since 2008, Dr. Jen Yocum, LAc has been practicing Reiki, and since 2010, she has been using acupuncture to treat her patients. With a focus on addressing pain, stress, weight loss, anxiety, depression, and fertility and urogenital concerns in people of all genders and races, Dr. Yocum is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming space for healing. She accepts Aetna insurance and some PPO plans cover her acupuncture services. She can't wait to assist you in achieving your best possible health so you can enjoy your favorite activities again!
Indigo Fox Acupuncture & Wellness is offering a 10% discount to Lake Linganore Association members and FreeZone Fitness members. If patients do not have insurance coverage and are unable to afford the cash rates, Dr. Yocum is also prepared to help them with financial concerns.
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