House Doctor Pros

Service provided by House Doctor Pros
4.0 (4)
from Wheatfield, INmember since December, 2021
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Have you experienced a day when everything you handled in your household either shattered or seemed to be on the brink of collapse? If yes, do not worry as we have got you covered with the assistance of a specialist. At House Doctor Pro, we provide an exceptional patch-up, maintenance, and repair service for all your necessities. Our work is remarkable, and we take pride in it.

For your convenience, we offer a warranty along with a round-the-clock service. Whenever your house requires upkeep, just contact the doctor for the task. Let House Doctor Pro take care of the clutter and fix the damage for you.

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Service Reviews


4 reviews

Service as described
Jonathan N.
My furnace and air conditioner were replaced by Julio and he did an outstanding job. He not only completed the job within the given time but also addressed additional issues during his visit. For my upcoming bathroom remodel, House Doctor Pros is my only choice for calling.
March 25, 2023
Megan B.
This text cannot be properly rewritten as it is already concise and lacks sufficient detail or context to provide additional information.
January 31, 2023
Rachel M.
Roto Rooter was the one, not House Doctor.
May 24, 2022
David A.
Accomplished with excellence and stability.
May 17, 2022