Having practiced massage therapy for more than two decades, I consider myself as a kind, proficient and capable professional who can effectively alleviate discomfort or induce relaxation to my clients. Rest assured that I always come prepared with the necessary equipment, and that my expertise is among the top in the industry. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Massage type:
Swedish, Deep tissue, Thai, Sports, Medical, Reflexology, Hot stone, Pregnancy
Service location:
Customer location
Pro location
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Service Reviews
6 reviews
Heather P.
Without a doubt, Amber was the best massage therapist I've ever had. She was amazing at providing a firm massage, and she focused on all the areas that needed attention - from my neck and shoulders to my hips, back, and buttocks. I felt fantastic after leaving my session with her. I would give her an unequivocal A+++ rating.
December 9, 2022
Kyle B.
The massage that Amber gave me was the best I have ever experienced, although the downside was that it had to end.
May 22, 2022
William M.
Doreen gave me a wonderful facial! She was very attentive to my skin and now it looks and feels great. It was the perfect way to relax after a challenging week. Thank you, Doreen!
November 21, 2021
Jacob R.
Amber's therapeutical touch is consistently professional and healing. I had previously visited various masseuses in the area until luckily discovering Amber at @Hands of Gold.
September 28, 2021