As a business based in Pasadena, MD, we are proud to be locally owned and operated. With a combined experience of 30 years, we have the expertise to construct or repair anything you need.
Wood, Chain link, Vinyl, Aluminum, Steel, Iron, Electric wiring, Barbed Wire
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Service Reviews
9 reviews
Kyle L.
As soon as Michael arrived, we knew he was the ideal choice. He quickly carried out a comprehensive assessment without delay, whereas other companies simply took a cursory glance at our property and promised to get back to us. In his personal truck, Michael possessed the appropriate equipment to measure the lot accurately.
The job was professionally executed with the entire team promptly arriving, even on the coldest mornings, to complete the fence before our vacation. They were able to salvage parts of our existing fence, thereby minimizing expenses. The quality of their work exceeded our expectations, prompting us to invite them back to construct stairs on our deck. Once again, we were thoroughly impressed, not only by the finished product, but also by their meticulous attention to detail.
March 14, 2023
Heather J.
The small business owner is exceptional, and their diligent team always accomplishes the task at hand. Occasionally, scheduling conflicts may arise, but it is reasonable. Ultimately, the end result was outstanding.
November 7, 2022