Eye For Blinds

Service provided by Eye For Blinds
5.0 (1)
from Manchester, NHmember since April, 2022
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Our report card in the industry is unmatched, with a top rating and 5 stars. Don't take our word for it, check out our customer reviews on the Better Business Bureau!

Eye for Blinds provides a vast selection of custom window treatments, ranging from the latest contemporary styles to classic traditional designs. As the Owner, Designer, and Installer, it is my goal to make your decorating experience enjoyable while perfecting and enhancing your space. We also offer discounts on larger orders and free upgrades when applicable. Thank you for considering Eye for Blinds, and I can't wait to collaborate with you!

Best Regards,
Michael Lucciano
Eye For Blinds

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Service Reviews


1 reviews

Service as described
Daniel D.
It was a delightful experience working with a company that is owner operated, and Michael ensured that our project was meticulous from start to finish. Michael's exceptional service left us with a gorgeous remote blind for our business that is highly functional, providing us with the much-needed security and privacy at night while also keeping the outdoor temperature at bay. It was a great pleasure working with Michael, who never pushed sales and went out of his way to answer all our questions. Eye For Blinds, we are grateful for an amazing job that has made our store even more charming. Additionally, our customers love the new blind too!
August 6, 2022