Drain Unlimited, LLC

Service provided by Drain Unlimited, LLC
4.4 (6)
from Denver, COmember since May, 2022
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At Drain Unlimited, we possess the expertise and proficiency to identify and troubleshoot all your plumbing requirements. We offer equitable and competitive pricing.

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Service Reviews


6 reviews

Service as described
Melissa W.
To install plumbing for the bar sink, bathroom sink, and toilet, I hired a plumber who first came to assess the job and offer an estimate. After a few days, he returned to start the work but was unable to complete it as the plumbing pipe was too high and needed a shorter drain. He planned to charge for another visit after we acquired the drain. Meanwhile, we noticed a leak in the toilet and informed him via text. He came the next day to fix the leak and repair the damage, but did not install the necessary studor vent, unaware that it was required by code. My experience with this plumber was unsatisfactory as he did not take responsibility for his errors and failed to give an accurate quote or perform complete work. Therefore, I would not recommend him to others.
March 14, 2023