The East Valley is catered to by Dolphin Pool Maintenance, a provider of comprehensive swimming pool maintenance and repair services.
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Service Reviews
61 reviews
Justin T.
I sent a message at 5:30 in the morning and received an immediate response from Jason. The closing of my house was scheduled for the next day, but leaks were discovered just 36 hours before, and if they weren't repaired, the closing would be postponed. Jason was able to come over that day and miraculously fix my pool equipment, ensuring that the closing went through. Despite it being a simple solution, I asked Jason how I could compensate him, but he refused, instead congratulating me on the sale of my house. I am incredibly impressed by this company and even more so by Jason's kindness.
March 25, 2023
Rachel T.
The service was outstanding! I was in need of getting rid of an outdated pool heater and they responded promptly with a fair price. I wouldn't hesitate to utilize their services again.
October 24, 2022
Joshua S.
I examined the pools and equipment at two potential purchase sites. The service provider arrived promptly and suggested practical solutions, ensuring my comfort. He was an excellent individual. As my real estate agent was impressed by his exemplary conduct, I believe she may hire him as well.
September 1, 2022
Kyle C.
During my pool maintenance consultation, Jason and his business partner didn't attempt to push a cleaning service that would not benefit my pool. Additionally, Jason has kept in touch with me, inquiring about my preferences and sharing pictures of the service they provided. At present, we are exceedingly pleased with their service. Their team of two provides me with peace of mind, especially after experiencing inconsistent service for more than a decade with my previous provider.
August 24, 2022
Andrew R.
Although I didn't end up hiring them, they were extremely helpful in providing me with advice regarding my pool water problem. The information they gave me was very useful and they were very prompt in their responses. I hope to be able to work with them at some point in the future.
April 3, 2022