Dirt B Gone Cleaning Service.

from Independence, ORmember since January, 2022
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In need of cleaning services? Allow us to lend a hand! With a reputation for being reliable, trustworthy, and hard-working, we offer commercial and residential services such as deep cleans, move-ins, and move-outs. For residential properties, we offer weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or as-needed cleaning schedules.

Our general cleaning services include the following for each respective area: scrubbing, sanitizing, and disinfecting of toilets, sinks, and countertops, as well as mirrors, vacuuming and mopping of floors, cleaning of tubs and showers, trash removal, and cobweb removal in the bathroom; vacuuming and mopping of floors, dusting, and cobweb removal in the bedroom; vacuuming and mopping of floors, trash removal, cleaning of countertops, microwaves, cabinets inside and out, sink scrubbing, oven and stove cleaning, refrigerator cleaning, and cobweb removal in the kitchen.

We are proud to serve areas such as McMinnville, Dallas, Rickrall, Independence, Monmouth, Buena Vista, Jefferson, Salem, West Salem, and Albany.

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Service Reviews


1 reviews

Service as described
Rachel L.
Great job.
November 30, 2022