D Graphics

Service provided by D Graphics
5.0 (2)
from Dover, NHmember since September, 2021
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Get customized web and print designs that suit your budget while receiving the personal attention you deserve. I specialize in offering a diverse range of services that highlight your professionalism and ensure consistent branding. With extensive experience as a graphic artist and web programmer, I create dynamic and professional designs that perfectly showcase your business at an affordable price.

I'm thrilled to explore exciting opportunities with fellow professionals looking to expand their web presence or revamp their image. Witnessing the transformation is fulfilling as visual branding can lead to new opportunities for businesses. As a freelancer for almost 10 years, I craft personalized design solutions for businesses based in the Dover/Boston area and beyond.

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Service Reviews


2 reviews

Service as described
Megan Y.
I am someone who tends to generate many ideas, but sometimes struggle to decide on one. With my instructions, Danielle was able to create five stunning website designs. We went through each one together, discussing and analyzing their unique attributes. Danielle gave her input, but ultimately left the choice up to me. Her input was invaluable, as it helped me make a final decision. Additionally, her technical skills are impeccable, as she has the ability to do anything that is requested. I have already recommended her services to other businesses who have been equally satisfied with her work. Danielle is also my go-to for website updates, as she is prompt and efficient with her work. I anticipate having a long-standing business relationship with D Graphics.
February 3, 2023
Andrew K.
The album cover for my band was created by Danielle. She grasped our requirements instantly and presented us with numerous fantastic options. Having to select only one was a challenging task! She's an amazing artist, and I highly recommend her.
December 13, 2022
Ryan S.
My TrueTemp Thermometers marketing materials were excellently produced by Danielle. She created my logo design, business cards, product information cards, product brochures, and a new website. Her work exhibited high levels of professionalism and was delivered promptly. I eagerly anticipate our next project working together and would strongly recommend Danielle to others.
November 8, 2021