The demand for Cyfair Window Cleaning's services is high, thanks to our dedicated passion for delivering clean and sparkly windows. We thrive on attention to detail, reliability, and punctuality, which serve as the foundation of our work. Please note that our streak-free guarantee policy is 72 hours (3 days). Please give us a call within the same period in case of any issues and we will personally handle it. Please note that our quotes do not cover the removal of hard water stains. Join our satisfied clients and experience the joy of clean and beautiful windows.
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Service Reviews
107 reviews
Samantha C.
Leo was extremely amiable, reasonably priced, and exceptionally transparent about his intended course of action. The windows, which had not been cleaned for approximately three decades, are now radiant and gleaming! Moreover, my feline companions greatly relished the sight of the scrubber brush efficiently washing our upstairs windows. Consequently, we can finally perceive the outdoors once more!
January 14, 2023
Kayla J.
As a professional, this gentleman was exceptional. He had a friendly and approachable demeanor while also being punctual for our appointment. During the cleaning process, I was able to ask him questions which he took the time to answer thoroughly. He also offered to explain his cleaning method beforehand to ensure my peace of mind. Without a doubt, I would not hesitate to hire him again.
August 5, 2022
Robert N.
Our new house's windows had not been cleaned for more than ten years. Despite the extreme dirtiness of the windows, Cy-Fair window cleaning did an excellent job, and now I can genuinely relish the views from the windows.
March 4, 2022
Stephanie R.
Leo exhibited professionalism, punctuality, and great personability. The cleaning was absolutely stunning. Without a doubt, I would enlist his services again.
January 10, 2022
Matthew G.
Doing business with Cyfair window cleaning was an absolute delight! I fully intend to hire them annually!
December 4, 2021