I am a Spiritual Coach and Advisor functioning as an Intuitive and Karmic Astrologer. My aim is to help people rediscover their 'inner gold,' as described by the alchemists. I strive to guide individuals towards their inner knowing, power, and soul's memory- the core elements of one's being that determine their true self and reason for existence.
I am convinced that the interaction and engagement we share with others shape our personal journey towards awakening and realizing our highest selves. Surrounding yourself with individuals who constantly propagate limiting thoughts and fears, whether within oneself or in the world, typically solidifies those beliefs and attracts similar outcomes.
If you aspire to start believing in, and ultimately living in, a world of infinite possibilities, freedom, love and unity, you must consider changing who you choose to have around you. It's essential to listen to different narratives and decide what you believe in and where you should focus your energy.
As a Spiritual Advisor, I hold the responsibility of reflecting back Love, true power, highest potential, and a world free of constraints.
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