Certified Chimney Inspections
For almost 20 years, we have been delivering top-notch services to New England. With 800+ verified reviews online and over 4.7+/5 on every rating service, CERTIFIED stands out from the crowd.
We are excited to announce that we now offer financing options with 99% approval rates and no upfront payment required. Take advantage of our promotional offers, including no interest if paid in full or low monthly payment options. Visit our website to learn more and pre-qualify.
As a family-owned business, we strive for excellence and handle all aspects of chimney work, from simple flue cleanings to large-scale commercial projects. Over the last century, central heating has evolved, but many venting systems and chimneys have not been updated to comply with modern standards. As a result, they may no longer be safe or functional. Our team can inspect, repair, and update your chimney to ensure that it conforms to manufacturer recommendations and requirements.
We provide free estimates and reduced-cost services to our valued customers. It's crucial to get your chimney professionally inspected annually, as even homes without a fireplace may have a chimney that vents the heating system. Home heating systems produce a colorless, odorless gas called carbon monoxide that can be potentially fatal if not vented correctly. Our team specializes in using only high-quality materials to ensure the utmost safety and efficiency for your home.
We are a full-service chimney company that serves a wide range of clients, from individual homeowners to large-scale government contracts. We offer discounts to senior citizens and military personnel, and we are available 24/7 for appointments and emergency service. Contact us directly for availability, and we will provide prompt and reliable service.
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