Breathing Light Wellness Coaching, LLC
Would you like to get more out of life and venture into something NEW?
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Interested in attaining a more balanced, clear, and positive mindset to promote optimal wellness?
My name is Jessica, a certified life/health coach and the founder of Breathing Light Wellness Coaching. My coaching services are dedicated to igniting your passion for overall wellness, which includes your entire being - not just your diet.
How can I help you achieve optimal wellness?
Together, we will identify the obstacles preventing you from achieving your life and health goals. As your coach, I will equip you with various tools, techniques, and experiences to help overcome your challenges, and to create a diversified and sustainable plan that best suits your needs.
Building a strong foundation for healthy habits is key to your success. I am committed to providing the right systems, support, and accountability to help you along your journey. My straightforward methodology has been proven effective for numerous clients.
What makes us different?
I work with you one-on-one to determine the results you want and personalize a plan that best suits your goals. Get ready to embark on a new life filled with vibrancy, gain a fresh perspective, and take ownership of your desires.
Do you have questions?
Book a 🔅FREE Fully Expressed Clarity call🔅 to have all your queries answered, attain your first level of clarity, and create an achievable roadmap of action.
Looking forward to connecting with you.
Coach Jess
Service Reviews
9 reviews