As a driven young adult, I derive immense joy from aiding individuals. My work is truly a calling, and I approach it with the utmost dedication. Currently, I am expanding my offerings and incorporating additional services, such as lash application, facials, and waxing.
Massage type:
Swedish, Deep tissue, Thai, Sports, Medical, Reflexology, Hot stone, Pregnancy
Service location:
Customer location
Pro location
Note: You have to be authorized in order to see serving area
Service Reviews
11 reviews
Courtney T.
Danielle was extremely on time, swiftly setting up and beginning right away. She ensured a serene atmosphere with soothing music and regularly checked with me to confirm the pressure was suitable. Additionally, the massage was exceptional! I plan on utilizing her services again and recommending her to others without hesitation.
March 19, 2023
Heather P.
Danielle gave me an outstanding massage. She made sure to distinguish between the various massage styles, such as Swedish versus Deep tissue, and explained them in detail. She arranged a suitable appointment for me and I was grateful for that. Her services were absolutely professional and soothing. I strongly urge others to try her out, and I intend to book another session with her at some point down the line!
January 10, 2023
Sarah R.
As soon as Danielle arrived, she wasted no time in getting ready for work. Her warm and informative nature made me feel at ease. I was also impressed with the exceptional quality of her service. Her massage was the most relaxing I've had in months, and her prices were very reasonable. I am looking forward to using her services again for my ladies' night event later this spring. Great work, Danielle! ⭐️
October 12, 2022
Jessica R.
Danielle displayed utmost professionalism by being punctual and prepared to commence the session. Her manual dexterity was impressive as she administered the massage which effectively alleviated my muscular tension and soreness. The conversation was engaging and helped to enhance the overall experience, inducing a sense of relaxation. I am eagerly anticipating my next session and I strongly recommend her services.
March 23, 2022
Justin P.
For my spouse and me, Danielle delivered exceptional service. She was amiable and put us at ease during our conversation. The massage she provided was of excellent quality, and the cost was quite reasonable. I confidently suggest her services.
October 10, 2021