Bluegrass Ecological Design

from Louisville, KYmember since February, 2022
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We prioritize sustainability and abundance by aiding you in cultivating nutritious crops, minimizing the utilization of hazardous chemicals, and crafting an attractive and plentiful outdoor area that welcomes pollinators and wildlife.

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Service Reviews


1 reviews

Service as described
Jessica T.
After attentively hearing out my front yard desires, Juliya meticulously crafted a comprehensive blueprint encompassing each plant with illustrations of their designated placement. The project was executed in a prompt fashion, and Juliya has continuously checked in post-job completion to guarantee the plants' health. I wholeheartedly endorse Bluegrass Ecological Design!
December 22, 2022
Megan R.
I received exactly what I desired in my pollinator garden from Bluegrass Ecological Design. They were attentive to my preferences and even assisted me in conserving funds by allowing me to purchase and collect the plants myself. As the garden develops, I am pleased with its progress and am anticipating the flowering of additional plants this year. Bravo for a job well done!
July 18, 2022