Various martial arts and fighting styles such as Krav Maga, Kenpo Karate, Hapkido, Kali/Escrima, and general Combatives are where I take simple and effective self-defense techniques from in order to teach them. My approach to teaching self-defense is focused on the wants of the student, their background and prior training, strengths, and physical limitations. Using this information, I can provide individualized self-defense techniques and concepts that I deem most effective for the student.
At present, I teach private lessons at my gym in Lincolnshire, Illinois, as well as group lessons occasionally in Elk Grove Village. I am available to travel for presentations, seminars, trainings, and instruction for groups, organizations, and companies of all sizes. My lessons and presentations concentrate on what the student desires to learn, such as defending against unarmed attacks, weapons-based attacks, learning how to use knives, clubs, canes or improvised weapons to defend and attack, and even basic releases from common grabs and holds.
Teaching people they have the capability to defend themselves is highly rewarding. Many of my new students think they have to be physically stronger or faster than their attacker in order to prevail. However, with a few demonstrations, I can quickly show them that regardless of their strength, age, or lack of formal training, they only need to learn fundamental concepts and techniques to be prepared to defend themselves.
Discounts are offered for law enforcement, military, and first responders.
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