Ashlee Hamilton

Service provided by Ashlee Hamilton
4.8 (5)
from Hawthorne, CAmember since November, 2021
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Ensuring that your agreement surpasses your expectations and that you comprehend its meaning and functionality is my foremost priority. Providing top-notch customer service is my utmost priority.

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Service Reviews


5 reviews

Service as described
Emily R.
Thank you Ashlee for being highly attentive and responsive to my needs. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
January 5, 2023
Ashley J.
Ashlee, thank you for being an incredible attorney, providing impeccable revisions on the contract and invaluable advice. Your honesty and straightforwardness are appreciated.
August 22, 2022
Amanda H.
Ashlee is an exceptional individual! When our company required assistance in developing a privacy policy for our website, Ashlee expertly guided us through every stage of the process. She performed so well that we engaged her to examine our client contracts too. Ashlee has extensive knowledge and aided us in producing wording and materials that ensured confidence and professionalism. Whenever we have a legal issue, Ashlee is our preferred attorney since she has our best interests in mind and works at an outstanding pace. When it comes to business, time is money, and Ashlee helps us save both. Thank you immensely, Ash!
June 3, 2022
Joshua P.
I strongly recommend Ashlee for her valuable assistance in liberating me from a harmful founders contract. Her dedication and adaptability facilitated my comprehension of the agreement, leading to a seamless resolution.
May 31, 2022
James R.
Ashlee efficiently and meticulously composed several lease agreements for our automobile services firm. Additionally, she went out of her way to elucidate the terms and conditions, as well as how to utilize the contracts for forthcoming leases. We shall undoubtedly seek her assistance for any subsequent requirements in small business contracting.
May 15, 2022