My primary objective is to assist customers in restoring the sentimental value of their furniture.
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Service Reviews
11 reviews
Danielle H.
Amazing job! My drawer has been repaired and appears brand new.
February 9, 2023
Amanda L.
I really appreciate the honesty and transparency of this person. They examined the sofa meticulously and provided a comprehensive evaluation of the necessary repairs and whether it is worth fixing. I highly recommend them!
January 21, 2023
Ashley L.
Daniel's performance was excellent, being both supportive and timely.
October 3, 2022
David A.
Well-done job. "The best of the best."
April 3, 2022
Samantha K.
Arrived punctually at my doorstep to collect my chair, carried out the repair work in a speedy three-day period, and promptly returned it to me.
March 21, 2022