1st Choice Residential LLC

from Mobile, ALmember since December, 2021
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With 30+ years of experience in the industry and the highest available NFI certifications, our team of chimney sweep, gas fireplace, and BBQ grill technicians are not only friendly, punctual, and considerate but also highly skilled in repairs. We pride ourselves on being able to address most fireplace issues on the first trip, and if a part needs to be ordered, our technician will handle the installation seamlessly on the 2nd trip. Our upfront pricing and agreements provide transparency, and we offer a 30-day labor warranty and manufacturer-based parts warranty of normally a year.

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Service Reviews


7 reviews

Service as described
Emily G.
My encounter with First Choice Chimney was top-notch. At just $159, their service was remarkable, and I plan to engage them yearly for cleaning. I consider it a worthwhile expense given their excellent assistance and reasonable fee, which affords me peace of mind.
February 6, 2023
Brandon T.
I highly recommend 1st Choice Residential for their discounted services on my grill, fireplace, and dryer vent.
January 3, 2023
David G.
The technicians possess great knowledge and work with remarkable efficiency, while the office staff is equally friendly and accommodating. I would highly recommend their services, giving them a perfect score of 10 out of 10.
November 10, 2022
Ashley H.
Prior to utilizing my chimney this year, it was necessary to have it cleaned. The technician who handled the task arrived at the scheduled time, maintained a professional demeanor, and provided an explanation of the cleaning procedure.
October 27, 2022
Danielle R.
I plan to utilize the gas fireplace, chimney sweep, and barbecue grill service on an annual basis.
February 12, 2022