Tutorfly.com - Los Angeles

4.7 (27)
From Los Angeles, CA
SinceAugust, 2022

Our academic tutors also act as positive influencers and can be hired for $25 per hour without any additional costs or deposits. All our tutors have attended some of the most prestigious high schools and universities in the country, such as Stanford, UCLA, and Princeton. We have complete faith in our tutors and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, or else you can receive a refund. Tutorfly Tutors are renowned for being considerate, understanding and resourceful tutors.
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Service as described 4.7
Communication 4.7
Punctuality 4.7
Our experience with Jwala was fantastic! She was very involved with our son, and the content was fitting and advantageous for his education. Additionally, Jwala gave constructive feedback in a positive manner throughout their session. We are planning to continue our tutoring with her.
March 29, 2023
Their schedule is highly adaptable and the instructor is exceptionally pleasant. They met all my individual needs and delivered excellent teaching as well.
January 27, 2023
Although my son dislikes math, he enjoys working with Alvin as the latter exhibits patience and is helpful in elucidating new math concepts.
January 10, 2023
Elizabeth P.
Michelle's first session with our daughter went amazingly well! She was prompt, well-prepared, and efficiently helped our daughter finish two assignments. Our daughter was delighted with the outcome, and we are eagerly awaiting her next session with Michelle on Friday!
November 2, 2022