
5.0 (13)
From Broomfield, CO
SinceJanuary, 2022

We aim to empower ambitious and motivated individuals to regain confidence and comfort in their own skin without fixating on calories/macros or spending all their time in the gym. Our belief is that fitness should enhance one's life, not consume it, and that sustainable approaches lead to sustainable outcomes.

There are three reasons why you might be on this page:

1. You are struggling to achieve your goals on your own despite your motivation and success in other areas of your life. You need someone to hold you accountable, challenge you when necessary, and offer support when you are overwhelmed.

2. You owe it to yourself to achieve your fitness goals, whether it is to fit into clothes you haven't worn in years or recapture a previous body shape while accommodating achy joints. You want someone to help you integrate fitness into your lifestyle without it becoming a chore.

3. You need assistance making the changes you desire, but are overwhelmed by the abundance of information available. You want guidance from a professional who can prove that fitness can enhance your life without yo-yoing or unsustainable results.

Here is how Dood can help:

In-Person Training: A personalized workout plan tailored to your objectives. Sessions take place in a private, state-of-the-art training facility with skilled, friendly trainers who are equally committed to your goals. Sessions range from 30 to 60 minutes.

Nutrition Coaching: Meal schedules for 70% of the week to make it effortless, with the other 30% requiring self-regulation according to the rules/themes we provide you. Our aim is to create a lifestyle, not just a challenge, and we coach you on how to remain on track even when you divert from the plan. Nutrition Coaching includes weekly educational materials and monthly themes, weekly check-ins, and the option of hybrid training.

Online Personal Training: Customized training program in our training app with weekly check-ins. You can finish your workout at a time that suits you with our training app, which provides personal training, programming, and accountability that aligns with your objectives.

For more information on pricing and scheduling, visit our website, or contact us with any questions you may have. We take pride in our accessibility and prompt response to prospective and existing clients.

Don't take our word for it, read reviews from previous clients on our app, Google, and website. As always, feel free to contact us with any inquiries. Currently, we are running a back-to-school sale, which includes a 20% discount on your first month of online training!

When you entrust Dood with your fitness goals, you're hiring the ultimate fitness coaches who will prove to be the last ones you'll ever need.
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Service as described 5.0
Communication 5.0
Punctuality 5.0
Courtney S.
on Dood
My encounter with the trainer has been the most remarkable till now. Their exceptional expertise has resulted in a plan that not only appears undaunting but also functions effectively!
December 22, 2022
Emily R.
on Dood
Kaylie and William are phenomenal coaches who display kindness, support, and flexibility in scheduling. Their coaching skills are simply incredible. During one of our sessions, I felt incredibly motivated with the prospect of improving my overall health and energy. Initially, I was so intimidated to work out for the first time in years, but they made it easy for me to jump right into the routine. I am a big fan of theirs and highly recommend them to anyone seeking professional guidance.
December 15, 2022
Amber A.
on Dood
Kaylie and Will were amazing! My spouse and I were searching for a way to get back on the right path and shed some pounds due to life getting in the way. It was clear that we needed someone to keep us accountable and they were the ideal duo for the job! The meals they provided were simple to prepare and fantastic for meal prepping. My profession demands that I meal prep and have easily transportable meals. They were attentive to my requirements and provided superb recommendations. Although my spouse isn't much of a cook, he was able to create the meals with ease. Initially, we inundated Kaylie and William with numerous questions, but they were always eager to assist us. They certainly put us on the correct path, and I am grateful for their guidance! We appreciate everything you've done for us, and we enjoyed sharing this journey with you!
September 1, 2022
Ashley M.
on Dood
These coaches are extremely supportive and motivated to assist you in achieving your goals. Their guidance has been instrumental in regaining my confidence and shedding the excess weight that I struggled to lose on my own. Think of them as your personal cheerleaders who offer assistance throughout your journey. I urge you to give them a try as they are sure to exceed your expectations!
June 25, 2022
Joseph T.
on Dood
Initially lost and uncertain where to begin, I knew change was necessary. However, I found the CrackerJack app and connected with Live Well Dood. We arranged a Zoom meeting, and I made it clear that I would not be willing to forfeit my love for margaritas and Mexican cuisine. Kaylie won me over with her first F-bomb. I appreciate authenticity in individuals and their actions. Consequently, we enrolled in their 12-week program, though it lasted longer due to our positive experience. They attentively addressed our needs and goals while adjusting the program to our lifestyle. I am extremely grateful to Kaylie and William for restoring our self-confidence and love for ourselves. I strongly endorse Live Well Dood if you are seeking weight loss, physical and mental health improvement, self-assurance, and new friendships filled with laughter. Kaylie and William have genuinely transformed our lives, and I am certain they will do the same for you. Hugs to both of them!
March 10, 2022