Tutorfly.com - New York
New York, NY
SinceAugust, 2021
For $25 per hour, we offer academic tutors who serve as role models without any concealed charges or upfront payments. Our tutors hail from leading high schools and universities across the nation, such as Stanford, UCLA, and Princeton, and are either current students or recent graduates. We are fully committed to our tutors' abilities, and guarantee a full refund in case of dissatisfaction. Our tutors are compassionate, understanding, and innovative in their approach. Choose Tutorfly for the best tutoring experience.Profile isn't claimed yet
John M.
My son receives tutoring from Kaanthi for his AP Physics: Mechanics coursework. She has an excellent understanding of the subject matter, and I appreciate how she leads her pupil to arrive at the answers. Kaanthi is a skilled and effective tutor.
December 4, 2022
Matthew H.
I have enrolled my younger sibling in tutoring sessions once a week because he thoroughly enjoys them.
October 22, 2022
Rachel R.
The setup process was effortlessly executed and at an excellent rate. Despite our tight deadline, they provided us with assistance and assigned a tutor who was ideal for the job due to their outstanding knowledge and amiable personality. My daughter had previously displayed reluctance towards having a tutor, however, they formed an instant connection and worked harmoniously. In the end, my daughter's academic performance significantly improved. Therefore, I strongly recommend this service.
October 10, 2022
Kyle S.
Erica is an exceptional tutor. My son is finding it difficult to grasp algebra as he is a freshman. However, since his first lesson with Erica, he has been able to better comprehend the material and is enthusiastic about continuing with his tutoring sessions to enhance his academic performance. We are grateful to you, Erica!
September 28, 2021
John L.
Catherine consistently arrives punctually and effectively communicates with us in the event of any potential delays. Thanks to Catherine's assistance, my daughter has significantly increased her self-assurance, as observed even by her teacher. She comprehends her assignments and can effectively utilize the techniques introduced in class by Catherine for homework and exams. Catherine has been immensely valuable.
September 21, 2021