Find Door Installers in Plano, TX

Find Door Installers in Plano, TX

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Top Door Installers in Plano, TX

Bridgewood Exteriors

4.8 (11)

Plano, TX


Once you set up your FREE consultation at your abode, our service will be customized to your specific needs. Our design consultants are available to diligently work around your preferred timing, be it... read more

Recent review:

"If I were able to rate it, I'd give it a 3.5. The cost is justified by the door's quality and warranty. Nevertheless, coordinating the project was incredibly exasperating due to a few scheduling glitc... read more"

Reviewed by Christopher W.

How much does a contractor charge to install a door?

When looking into door contractors, the cost of installation can vary greatly depending on various factors. The door contractor will typically charge an hourly rate and fee for supplies. Depending on door type and door hardware options, door contractors may be able to offer discounts or lower their rate if package deals are purchased. Additional costs due to structural work or wall repair in order to properly install the door and door hardware can increase the overall cost as well. On average, door contractors charge between $100 - $400 for installation, including door preparation.

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