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Top 10 Office Movers in Houston, TX

Easy Garage Door Repair

5.0 (2)

Houston, TX


For more than a decade, we've been a family-owned business that has been dedicated to fulfilling the needs of our customers. Our expertise in the field will provide you with the necessary services for... read more

Recent review:

"The service provided was of high quality and the experience was fantastic. I strongly urge you to give it a try."

Reviewed by Brittany T.

Beast Assembly

4.3 (128)

Houston, TX


At Beast Assembly, we pride ourselves as the ultimate assembly experts. With years of experience and knowledge, we always go above and beyond to deliver exceptional customer service. Unlike other comp... read more

Recent review:

"After I inquired about the price for assembling a grill and an end table, they promptly responded with respect. I intend to hire them again for future handyman tasks."

Reviewed by Kyle M.

Joyful Journey Organizing

5.0 (1)

Houston, TX


Greetings! I am Kate and I have a keen interest in aiding individuals with organization. Do you wish to declutter your residence but are unsure of what to do next? I am proficient in designing effic... read more

Recent review:

"Kate's upbeat and positive demeanor made me feel at ease instantly. I couldn't help but take notice of her impressive handiwork even after she had left my kitchen."

Reviewed by Nicole N.

Agile Movers & service’s

4.5 (115)

Houston, TX


Affordable moving and packing labor services offered with great value. We'll handle everything and take the hassle out of your move. Our services include home staging, internal moves, junk removal, an... read more

Recent review:

"I can't recall the name of the man who applied for the job, but I must say he was absolutely amazing! Punctual and polite, he made the most out of the time he had for the two assignments. He had a fan... read more"

Reviewed by Amanda J.

Lyon moving inc

5.0 (9)

Houston, TX


Lyon Moving Inc. warmly welcomes you! We provide exceptional moving services to meet all your needs, whether it's a local or long-distance transfer. Our flat-rate pricing is available for all moves. A... read more

Recent review:

"who needs moving services, I highly recommend Lyon. This company provides exceptional service and is a great choice for all your moving needs."

Reviewed by Emily H.

High on Grass

4.8 (21)

Houston, TX


Quality is my top priority. I do not compromise on standards and always ensure that no shortcuts are taken. I am willing to invest the necessary time and effort to go above and beyond to guarantee you... read more

Recent review:

"Our home's landscaping was impeccably done by Dee of High on Grass. The precision and care he displayed in his work was outstanding, and he conducted himself with utmost professionalism."

Reviewed by Amanda J.


4.8 (1711)

Houston, TX


We offer competitive rates with a 2-hour minimum of $75 per hour for 2 movers and $110 per hour for 3 movers. In addition, there is a one-time trip fee of $60 for the 16ft truck and $70 for the 26ft/2... read more

Recent review:

"I relocated within the same community without any need for elevators. Upon the arrival of my two movers, they immediately began working with impressive enthusiasm and dedication. Their exceptional wor... read more"

Reviewed by Brandon W.


4.4 (623)

Houston, TX


Moving can be a stressful experience, but at G.A.M. Movers and Packers, we are dedicated to making your move as seamless and easy as possible. Whether you are moving apartments or a whole house, our t... read more

Recent review:

"Our move with GAM was exceptional. Our movers were meticulous in wrapping our furniture and were highly attentive to protecting our floors and walls. They were in constant communication with us to ens... read more"

Reviewed by Daniel J.

Six 24 Movers

4.3 (9)

Houston, TX


In Houston, Texas, there is a moving company known as Six 24 Movers. Our services are efficient and excellent. Since 2000, we have steadily grown our reputation as a trusted and reliable company for a... read more

Recent review:

"They were diligent, prompt, and reliable. They offered guidance on the optimal approach for transporting my possession and their rates were quite affordable. I will definitely collaborate with them on... read more"

Reviewed by Joseph L.

Tera Moving Services

4.8 (10)

Houston, TX


Tera Moving Services in Houston, TX is a contemporary option to conventional moving firms with a mission to revolutionize the outdated and tedious moving sector, providing a seamless and customer-cent... read more

Recent review:

"I engaged Tera Moving services for relocating to my new residence, and I must say that the movers were meticulous and efficient in finishing the task. Should I ever require assistance again, I wouldn'... read more"

Reviewed by Ashley W.

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